【寧波澳新進出口有限公司】成立于2006年04月20日,主要以出口玩具、廚房用品、節日園林、戶外用品、小家電等系列的日用百貨為主,產品遠銷中東,東歐及其他國家。經過10多年的發展,公司現已成為一家頗具規模,年出口額超1.2億美金的進出口公司。公司配有1200平米的辦公區域、2500 平方米的專業化樣品陳列室、2000多平方米的物流倉儲。 愿景: Our Vision: 致力于為全球用戶持續創造驚喜的**外貿服務商 To be a world-class foreign trade service provider committed to creating sustainable surprises for global users 使命: Our Mission: 不斷地創新和超越客戶的期待,為全世界的消費者創造更優質的生活 Innovate continuously beyond customers’ expectation to create a better life for consumers around the world 價值觀: Our Value: 我們始終以滿足客戶需求為首要目標,全力以赴為客戶創造價值; We always take meeting customers' needs as our primary goal and spare no pains to create values for customers; 我們堅持以誠信負責為公司立足之本,創新協作實現共贏; We insist on taking honesty and responsibility as the foundation of our company to achieve win-win situation through innovation and corporation; 我們團隊凝聚同創共享,不斷進取追求**。 Our team is concentrating on creating and sharing, and constantly strives for excellence.