Located in the Blumbery of Schwaarzwald region, Germany. METZ group members including METZ Connect、RIA Connect、BTR Netcom、MC Technology。METZ CONNECT represents a benchmark for the electrical and electronic connectors, over 30 years of successful experience in production and management of various terminals connect, as well as in active and passive network components, used high-end technical sophisticated for reliable connections and efficient process sequences in complex system. integrated system solutions to meeting customers’ requirements.
Our distributors in 26 markets worldwide, production sites in Europe and Asia.
METZ CONNECT Zhongshan Ltd has been in operation on April 2007, our manufacturing facility of 2,000sq.m. is comprised of office center and production area equipped with the most up to dare equipments and instrumentation, guaranteeing precision and quality in our products. the production Capacity of company value up to 100 tons/per annum.
本公司是由德國Albert Metz GmbH & CO.KG投資成立于2007年4月28日的外商獨資企業,地址:廣東省中山市三鄉鎮平埔工業區,登記注冊類型:有限責任公司(外國法人獨資),經營范圍:生產經營連接端子、輸配電及控制設備、樓宇自動化控制設備,通用儀器儀表及上述產品零配件,產品境內外銷售。從事公司自產產品同類商品及其原輔料的進出口、批發、傭金代理(拍賣除外)業務及相關配套服務(以上商品進出口不涉及國營貿易、進出口配額許可證、出口配額招標、出口許可證等專項管理的商品)。